__**Messages Screen**__ The message screen allows the system user to send single or group messages to enrolled devices. {{:message_main_screen.png|}} Each message in the outbound rows are messages that the system user has created and each have a messageID. The message itself can be viewed in full by clicking on the view button. Each message may have a reply, which can be viewed by clicking See Replies. If there is a reply or multiple replies from different devices (group message), then all replies for that message will be displayed in the replies to message list. **__View__** The view button will display the message or reply in more detail. {{:viewmessage.png|}} **__Create Message__** {{:createmessage.png|}} The above screen shows how to create a message. In this example, one group is ticked and one other device is also included in the message. That device is not in the group, so a mixture of distinct devices and groups of devices can be sent the same message. **__Send Message Now__** This button will send the message via push notification to the device(s). **__Dates From/To__** {{:messagedatepicker.png|}} The above screen shows how to pick a date range of from/to in which message have been created.